How to upload your student thesis
Instruction for TU Delft students on how to upload a MA thesis, BA thesis or Student Report
Why upload your thesis?
Uploading your thesis or student report in the TU Delft Repository, means that your thesis will be findable and freely available for download worldwide. Hopefully your work will spike the interest of researchers, inspire (future) students, and be noticed by those you would someday like to work with.
Check before you upload
Make sure the text in your file(s) does not show any personal data that should not be public (personal e-mail address, home address, phone number).
Do you have permission from all copyright holders to share the photos and images used in your thesis?
Have you checked with your supervisors if your thesis needs to be placed under embargo? E.g. there might be commercial interests at stake, and/or you have agreed (with your supervisors) to delay sharing your file.
Does your work contain a description of a patentable invention? Consult your supervisors to make sure there are no plans to submit for a patent before you make your thesis available in the repository. If there is a patentable invention, you can place your files under embargo.
After ensuring your thesis is eligible for online publication, proceed with uploading it. Each submission undergoes validation by the TU Delft Library. Post-verification, your thesis will be accessible in the Repository, and you'll be notified via email, including a link to your thesis.
How to upload your thesis
Uploading is done via the system Pure. To start the process, log in to the Pure system ( using your NetID and password. Once you're on the profile landing page, click on the green upload button, labelled "Add Content".
In the next screen, select the type of thesis/report you're uploading: “Master thesis”, “Bachelor thesis” or “Student report”.
Please fill in (only) the fields listed below.
Add “Title”, “Subtitle” and “Abstract”. As a guideline: the abstract should be between 25 and 500 words long. Use only the formattting tools provided by Pure NB: Make sure there is no description of an invention in the abstract; this could cause an later patent application to get rejected.
Your Name and Faculty will have been added automatically. You can add co-authors (student reports) by selecting “Add person…”.
Add Thesis Award Information Enter the date of your award (=graduation date). The Awarding Institution "Delft University of Technology" is already pre-filled. In specific situations when additional universities are involved, add all universities.
Add the Date of award (=graduation date) The awarding institution is automatically set to 'Delft University of Technology’. In case another university is also involved, add these as well.
Add your Supervisors Select Supervisor 1 for your mentor; Select Supervisor 2 for the graduation committee members.
Add Keywords Make your thesis better findable/discoverable (SEO) by adding 3 or more keywords.
Incorporate Coordinates when relevant, particularly if your thesis focuses on geographical or location-specific topics.
Add the Project and/or Programme information if required by your faculty.
Add your files under Documents Please make sure you upload the final version of your thesis. Once your thesis has been validated and made available online, it cannot be removed. Preferred file formats Your files should be in PDF format for text-based documents; MP4 for videos and other audio/visual recordings; JPG, PNG or TIFF for images. Please don't upload compressed files (ZIP). Embargo Only use an embargo when absolutely necessary. Use the shortest possible embargo period. Some faculties require a letter with permission to add an embargo date. Check the instructions of your faculty. Visibility Keep the default setting (“Public – No restriction”).
Save your file Click “Save” to store the metadata and file(s) of your thesis.
Sharing your data You can register your datasets via the 4TU ResearchData website. Please contact the TU Delft Library if you want to add the DOI of your 4TU ResearchData dataset to the metadata of your thesis in the repository.
Last updated